Company Valuation Based On Ebitda Multiple
Advantages of Using the EVEBITDA Multiple. 198 rows Valuation Multiples by Industry.
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Generally the multiple used is about four to six times EBITDA.

Company valuation based on ebitda multiple. Selling price divided by EBITDA earnings before interest taxes depreciation and amortization is a commonly used valuation multiple. It is an approximation of enterprise value that allows an estimation of value through comparison to other companies. One way business appraisers evaluate a company is to look at how much others have paid for similar businesses relative to various earnings measures.
EBITDA does not by itself establish a direct value for the Subject Company. For example if youve determined that comparable companies to yours sold for 4-6 times EBITDA then multiply your EBITDA by 4 and then by 6. If a company is in a high-growth market it can expect a significant acquisition premium a buyout offer that is several times more than its most recent EBITDA.
Its typically through this addition process that you arrive at your companys value as a multiple of EBITDA. To compute the Enterprise Valuation of a business you take the EBITDA amount and multiply it by an enterprise multiple to get the total enterprise value. The multiples approach is a valuation theory based on the idea that similar assets sell at similar prices.
However prospective buyers and investors will push for a lower valuation for instance by using an average of the companys EBITDA over the past few years as a base. 221 rows Multiples reflect the average price of a company when compared to a. 221 rows In order to achieve this youll need to know your exit multiple.
Therefore EBITDA multiples by industry are basically ratios between the price of a given company which we will call Enterprise value EV for short within a sector and its EBITDA which is almost the same as saying that within your neighborhood the price of a square foot of housing is X. Here you may to know how to value a company based on revenue. This is the initial range of your companys valuation.
750000 X 281 2107500. The table below summarises eVals current month-end. EV is a measure of a company.
Using the above metrics the company is worth approximately 21M. Though EBITDA multiple valuation offers an easy way to estimate value the EBITDA valuation model has a significant downside. Others include value measures based on the companys net profits gross margin ebitda cash flow assets and value of business owners equity.
It is only an estimate. Of course this is based on public companies valuations or at best ma transactions where a lot of information has been disclosed. Once youve got a range of multiples apply them to your EBITDA figure.
Enterprise Value EBITDA Enterprise Multiple. EBITDA X Multiple Value of the Business For example a company has an EBITDA of 750000 and transacts at an EBITDA multiple of 281x. The enterprise multiple is dictated by the business industry the cost of capital and the overall health of business.
Lets say you pay yourself a 300000 salary for.
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